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Meditation Retreats

Group Meditation Retreats

Going along its vision of spiritual awakening, Vishva Niketan Peace and Meditation Centre organises meditation retreats throughout the year. This is a programme where people from all walks of life meet. Retired workers, housewives, school-leavers, unemployed youth and the like come together to reflect on the perspectives and lifestyles that a lay person should be mindful of to ensure they face their day-to-day life successfully. Alternative ways of how to reach our life goals are also discussed. The retreats are organised in such a way that both the beginners to meditation as well as the experienced practitioners who wish to go into deep meditation reap benefits simultaneously.

Individual Meditation Retreats

Individuals are welcome to utilize the facility for self-retreats by prior appointment with or without meditation teacher. Local and foreign retreatants visit Vishva Niketan for short-term residential retreats with a prior booking.
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